Nginx Passenger

Nginx 1.2.5, Passenger 3.0.18

Dotdeb’s packages of Nginx 1.2.5 are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” (amd64/i386).

On the Nginx side, it fixes some minor bugs and bring new minor features. Please take a look at Nginx’ official Changelog before upgrading.

On the Dotdeb side :

  • the Pinba module has been added to nginx-full, nginx-passenger and nginx-extras
  • the HTTP substitution filter module (v0.6.2-6aa992a2) has been added to nginx-full, nginx-passenger and nginx-extras
  • chunkin-nginx-module has been upgraded to 0.23rc2-3-e57a7ab9
  • headers-more-nginx-module has been upgraded to v0.18-179f39b1
  • nginx-development-kit has been upgraded to v0.2.17-7-f92d6c6a
  • nginx-echo has been upgraded to v0.41-b1e519fe
  • nginx-lua has been upgraded to v0.7.4-35d963f1
  • nginx-push-stream-module has been upgraded to v0.3.4-68651290
  • Passenger has been upgraded to the 3.0.18 version

As usual, if you want to know which module has been included in each Nginx flavor, you just have to look at this document.

12 replies on “Nginx 1.2.5, Passenger 3.0.18”

I do not compile.
apt-get install the new module. Can we do that?
Addition, Debug, Embedded Perl, FLV, GeoIP, Gzip Precompression, Image Filter, IPv6, MP4, Random Index, Real IP, Secure Link, SSL, Stub Status, Substitution, WebDAV, XSLT

I couldn’t find any Passenger related repo on you github account. Would it be possible to share that as well?

I have to admin, I don’t get it.. before, there was nginx-passenger. Now there is ruby-passenger, but according to your spreadsheet, it has been removed from nginx-1.2.0+. I assume, dotdeb does not provide an nginx-passenger flavor anymore and I have to built that package by myself?

Here is the state of Passenger in Dotdeb’s Nginx packages :
* Squeeze : passenger has been removed from nginx-extras>=1.2.x, but is available in the nginx-passenger dedicated flavor
* Wheezy : Passenger is not included at all. I’m thinking about including Passenger 4.0, but it requires a lot of work to have something clean and there’s nothing sure yet.

As an alternative on Wheezy, you could :
* use Nginx packages from
* use a third-party application server, such as Puma or Unicorn

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