
Nginx 1.10.2 For Jessie and Wheezy

Nginx 1.10.2 has been released on October 18th 2016, to fix issues with HTTP/2 and bugs with the sub_filter, aio threads and sendfile directives.

As a consequence, packages of Nginx 1.10.2 are now available :

  • for Debian 8 “Jessie” and Debian 7 “Wheezy”
  • On both amd64 and i386 architectures.

For more details about which modules are included in the different Nginx flavors (light, full and extras), just take a look at the configuration options of their respective sections in the Jessie and Wheezy Makefiles.

2 replies on “Nginx 1.10.2 For Jessie and Wheezy”

As stated on Github, I also have a problem with Naxi logs with nginx-extras package.
My server is behind CloudFlare and the logs with Nginx are ok with the real_ip module. But Naxsi is still logging the blocked requests with CloudFlare IPs servers, without taking into account the real_ip directive and the “X-Forwarded-For” header.
That’s a problem to make whithelist rules based on IP or to block a client with Fail2ban.
I dunno if it’s a Nginx problem, a Naxsi one or the dotdeb version…
Anyway, thanks for the great work ! 🙂

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