
Redis 2.4.14

Redis 2.4.14 has been released to fix many non trivial bugs : [BUGFIX] Fixed issue #518 (Redis 99% CPU when master down). [BUGFIX] Fixed issue #516 (ZINTERSTORE mixing sets and zsets). [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug in when using chkconfig [BUGFIX] Fixes to –test-memory implementation. [BUGFIX] Allow PREFIX to be overridden in Makefile. [BUGFIX] The […]


Security update : MySQL 5.1.62

MySQL 5.1.62 packages are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” on amd64 and i386 architectures. This is a important security update that fixes unspecified vulnerabilities identified by Oracle in all versions of MySQL 5.1 earlier than 5.1.62. If you did not upgrade to MySQL 5.5, please consider upgrading your MySQL server (at least) to 5.1.62. […]


Passenger 3.0.12

Packages of Passenger 3.0.12 are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” on both amd64 and i386 architectures. Here is the announcement from Phusion’s blog : Phusion Passenger is an Apache and Nginx module for deploying Ruby web applications. It has a strong focus on ease of use, stability and performance. Phusion Passenger is built on top […]


Redis 2.4.9

Redis 2.4.9 has been released with these changes : [FEATURE] Redis server is now able to test your memory for broken RAM. Usage: ./redis-server –test-memory. [FEATURE] redis-benchmark backported from unstable. Pipelining, run selected tests, and a few more features. [BUGFIX] utils/ script now works on Redhat / Centos. [BUGFIX] Minor fix to redis-cli (github issue […]


Security update : MySQL 5.1.61

MySQL 5.1.61 packages are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” on amd64 and i386 architectures. This is a very important security update that fixes unspecified vulnerabilities identified by Oracle in all versions of MySQL 5.1 earlier than 5.1.61. If you did not upgrade to MySQL 5.5, please consider upgrading your MySQL server (at least) to […]


PHP 5.4.0 preview packages

After many months of active development, PHP 5.4.0 is now generally available : The PHP development team is proud to announce the immediate release of PHP 5.4.0. This release is a major improvement in the 5.x series, which includes a large number of new features and bug fixes. Some of the key new features include: traits, a shortened […]


MySQL 5.5.20

The packages of MySQL 5.5.20 are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” on both amd64 and i386 architectures, with the following changes : the mysql-common package should now work with MySQL 5.1 packages without any problem (unknown configuration variables in /etc/mysql/my.cnf have been commented out) mysql-server-5.5 now supports Linux native asynchronous IO As usual, please read the […]


Nginx 1.0.12

Nginx 1.0.12 packages are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” on both amd64 and i386 architectures. Here are the changes on the Dotdeb side : Add the Cache purge module in nginx-full and nginx-extras Use “default_server” instead of “default” in sites-available/default Please take a look at Nginx’ Changelog before upgrading.


MySQL 5.5.19

The packages of MySQL 5.5.19 are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” on both amd64 and i386 architectures. They fix some annoying issues that Dotdeb users kindly reported : the mysql-common package, in its 5.5.19+ version, “breaks”  mysql-server-5.1 and mysql-client-5.1 (as APT means it – it won’t actually break your server into pieces). Freezing it will prevent any […]


MySQL 5.5.18 is out

MySQL 5.5.18 has been released by Oracle yesterday. The packages for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” are now available on Dotdeb for both amd64 and i386 architectures. As usual, please read the full Changelog carefully before upgrading. Please also note that Oracle now provides .deb packages on their download page. That’s a great thing, but they’ll have to […]